Deciphering plastic labels

Did you know that the numbers below that are on plastic containers do not mean recyclable? The number actually indicates the type of plastic or resin. By combining these plastics together, there are actually up to 54,000 different types of plastic. 

PET (#1), HDPE (#2) and PP (#5) are the most widely used plastics and are easier to recycle than others.

You can check what type of plastic your council collects in your kerbside recycling bin here.

One of the issues with plastic packaging is that most have about 2-3 different types of plastic in the one packet which makes it difficult to recycle. The good news is 244 companies including Aldi, Coles and Woolworths have pledged to redesign their packaging to be easily recyclable with the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation. 

Of course, the best way to combat plastic pollution as a consumer is to limit the amount of plastic you buy. You may do this by opting for paper packaging, reusable or refillable products or making sure that the type of plastic can be recycled.

Check out from Planet Ark to find out more on the Australasian Recycling Label.


Reasons to Hope - Vol. 3


Aussie Brands using recycled resources