Reasons to hope #10

Ready for a dose of positivity? It's time to shine a light on the bright spots—the reasons to hope that keep us going. 

The federal government's splashing $127 million into two cooperative research centres (CRCs)

Get excited! The Solving Plastic Waste CRC is snagging $40 million to shake up plastic practices and microplastic pollution. Meanwhile, the CRC for Zero Net Emissions from Agriculture is getting a sweet $87 million to crank up methane-cutting tech and crop growth. This whopping investment could bring game-changing action!

Using human and pet hair to clean up oil spills-Yes you read that right!

Ever heard of Matter of Trust's Clean Wave program? Since 1999, they’ve collected hair from salons, fur from pet groomers, fleece, feathers, even laundry lint to create recycled fibre mats, combat oil spills and protect marine life. Crazy, right? And guess what?  They've even responded to major spills like the Cosco Busan incident in 2007 and the BP Deepwater Horizon Gulf Coast Spill in 2010.

Packaging that never becomes waste 

Shellworks, a design-led techbio company, is revolutionising the world with packaging that never becomes waste. Crafted from fully vegan, compostable material with microbial assistance, it stays stable on shelves. Here's the kicker though, once discarded, soil and marine microbes swiftly break it down, leaving no microplastics behind. Mind-blowing, right? And it could be the perfect solution to stop plastic waste!

Global impact: EU's 'Right to Repair' law and possible implications

Great news: the European Union just shook things up with a new law, granting consumers the right to repair household appliances and smartphones, even after warranties expire. Could this mean a wave change in Australia too? Here's hoping! Currently the right to repair does not fully exist in Australia, however these global shifts might just be the nudge we need to make it happen.

In a world where environmental challenges can sometimes feel overwhelming, it's important to celebrate the wins, big and small. 

More good news! You can get your soft plastics, clothes, e-waste and more recycled from your doorstep.


Empower Hour for International Women’s Day


How to do a wardrobe freeze