Tackling Australia's food waste challenge this Christmas

In a country abundant with fresh produce and a diverse culinary scene, there is a significant challenge that many Aussie households face and that is food waste. Today we’ll take a deep dive into this dilemma and offer some practical food storage tips to help you reduce your food waste at home. Additionally we'll be shedding light on our exciting collaboration with OzHarvest this Christmas, specifically aimed at combating food waste during this festive season. 

Australia's Food Waste Challenge:

In Australia, an alarming statistic reveals that approximately 7.6 million tonnes of food goes to waste annually by Australians, averaging about 312 kilograms per person and potentially costing up to $2,500 per household. This is enough waste to fill the Melbourne Cricket Grounds nine times. With this in mind, adopting smart food storage practices becomes imperative to minimize waste and make a positive impact.

Throughout the festive season, food waste surges by approximately 30%, adding to the  discarded food in Australian households annually. As Christmas cheer fills the air, the challenge of food waste becomes even more apparent. That's where our exciting collaboration with OzHarvest comes in. OzHarvest is an Australian food rescue organization dedicated to stopping food waste, operating nationally, OzHarvest collects surplus food from various donors and delivers it to charities, striving to create a sustainable food culture.

From November 29th-January 15th, we're running a special Christmas Food Drive for OzHarvest. We're calling on you, our awesome community, to donate non-perishable items. Together, let's bridge the gap between surplus food and those in need, making a real impact this festive season.

Smart Food Storage Tips:

Over one-third of Australia's food waste originates in households with the most commonly wasted items being found to be bread, fruit and vegetables. But let's face it, achieving a zero-waste lifestyle isn't always a walk in the park. Our lives are messy, busy, and sometimes, going completely zero waste feels like a distant dream. That's why we embrace imperfection and focus on the 'Doing My Best' lifestyle. This means making small, sustainable changes that fit into our imperfect lives.

Useful Food storage tips:

  • Utilize Produce Drawers: Maintain proper humidity levels by using the separate drawers for fruits and vegetables in refrigerators. 

  • Airtight Containers: Store cut fruits and veggies in airtight containers to prevent moisture loss and maintain freshness.

  • Understanding Dates and Labeling Leftovers: Label and date leftovers when cooking in batches for timely consumption. Differentiate between "Best Before" and "Use By" dates; exercise judgment and don't discard items past their "Best Before" date if they still appear and smell fine.

  • FIFO Method: Adopt the "First In, First Out" method by placing newer items behind older ones in the pantry or fridge to use items before they expire.

  • Freezing Tips: Extend shelf life by freezing smartly; Freeze items like bread, bacon, berries, cooked rice.  Use freezer-friendly packaging, practice portion control, and label items with freezing dates.

  • Stock up on OzHarvest’s Use It Up tape and create your Use It Up shelf in your fridge.

This Christmas, let's transform the spirit of giving into a powerful force against food waste, making a lasting impact on both our environment and the lives of those in need.


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